Monday, August 15, 2016

Mustii Scabbes Sump Muties- Done

The Mustii Scabbes: 

Feral mutants under the command of a "healthier" human. Their skin is bloated, pustulant and scab-ridden. All of them outcasts since birth from the underhive above. All raised by their giant mother-rats. It was a time of flooding within the damp Sump and the children, with their remaining human intellect, decided to kill their rats to where for warmth and comfort. One of them, Ygraesse, has found a rusted and broken autopistol "Slingerre" in their tongue. Through this he has kept the band under a form of strict discipline. Bashing them if the go out of place and if needs be shooting them.

Now nomadic and roaming the Sump in search for tools to aid for their survival. Using techniques of camoflage within the water of the sump to ambush prey. They have gained a reputation for their mutations that gives them extreme blood loss only to quickly dry from their regenerative ability. These scabs gives them a sort of "armour" to protect them from the harder blows of a blunt knife. Their ifamy was gained for their swift strikes and what they leave behind, with the waters turning red from their hunts...

I have finished these guys a few days ago but I just got the time to post this. Here are my sump mutants, the mustii scabbes. Known for their haemophilia and quick regeneration abilities. Their flowing blood solidifies and creates a scab-armor of sorts. Anyway here they are:

Ygraesse the leader. He is the one that keeps them all in their place. Under the whip of the pistol and the lead of the bullet, they call this ancient and feared piece "Slingerre". He is the eldest with thick beared and scab-covered face. He sports a pouch from a fallen ganger and the rags of a drowned preacher within the shallow waters of the Sump. Hanging from the waist is one of the legs of his mother-rat to  show his band who's in charge...

 Flaegelle was born with an elongated body. He is elastic and from that his skin sags. He has made a flail with barbwire from a long forgotten Hive War that took place during the first settlers of Sapria IV. His flail carves through his skin but thanks to his lack of response to pain, he uses it freely and can keep a few feet away from the enemy as he unties the wire to hit them a longer way away...

Braegge, the unidentical twin brother of Flaegelle. His stump hand is an effective shield and can be considered the other tank of the group along with Pectyrre. His weapon is a club with barbwire from the same area that his brother made the flail. Getting in contact with his angular weapon is not recommended...

Remme is what is known as a 'Gasherre' by the mutie band. One of the two who posess a sharp weapon made for stabbing or slashing.  His head has nail stuckdeep within the brain. This may explain his more sinister and sly fighting style. He tends to work alone and can consult Ygraesse about about ambushes that the gang can inact.

The other half of the 'Gasherres'. Ianne is the more sadistic out of the gang. His twitchy nature and berzerk fury has given him the name of 'Butch' by the other Sump gangs. He has a rope which he addictivly chews on and that could be used by Ygraesse to drag him around.

A spawn that escaped from a portal from the warp. No thought, the hand-rat was recieved by the Mustii Scabbes as a pet and it seems to have found it's place for living. It has a reputation for hiding in sleeves only to pounce on the face of who every is scavenging the clothing...

We aere Faemillie...

Holde The Tyddes Offe Aequarysse

 Here is the box. A nice finish to the band. A fullstop on  this project. A cool necklace I found in a shop. Tooth and skulls symbolsing death and savagery. They fit nicely but it is time for other projects...


  1. This group of models look fantastic. The limited color palette helps reinforce their bloated and unhealthy condition.

    I think it would be neat to make a mutant from the group that is rising from bloody water to hammer home their tactics in battle.

    1. Thank you, a key thing with those was to hit home the sickly look of mutants rather than the typical ones with third arms and tentacles.
      Hmm, that idea is pretty cool. I may try that if I know how to make those cool water effects people use for some of their bases/dioramas....
